Tuesday, December 29, 2009

"To the 15 year old Christian."

This guy posted this on Tumblr and I wanted to share it on Blogspot.

(To lay off the subject of you being a bisexual which I dont think would go against anything, but still going to be on the subject of Christianity)

I’ve been going to church since I was born. Baptized, asked God to forgive me, become a “newborn”, etc. But now while growing up and changing, I’ve noticed some changes in my faith with God. It’s weird for me to say ‘faith’ and ‘God’. Anyways, I’ve also been going to those camps and stuff. Everytime I go, I end up crying and feeling guilty for my sins. Then after leaving Im back to my old self. Being sinful and not listening. Now, I see you on Tumblr and it seems like you’re the only Christian I find real nowadays. Even if its over the internet, words can explain a lot about a certain person. My real question is, besides all the reading the bible and praying daily, what would be the best way to seek God. As in, how did you personally meet God. Im only 15, but I really want to find out if He’s real or not.

Well of course praying and your Word is essential and it’s important in being spiritually grounded. It is necessary for having any type of relationship with God. Because our spiritual food is the word of God and our spiritual exercise is obedience. And prayer or communication is foundational to good and growing relationships. So talking to God is key! Keeping Him involved! He wants to be involved in every aspect of your life!

Knowing you’re Christian and that you brought up “newborn” and even talked about church camps. Then you know that Jesus died on the cross for our sins right? Well first off you said you cry and feel bad for what you’ve done and yes I’ve had my share of those retreats and camps. And the spiritual high right? And then falling away after. I know for me I didn’t read my bible, didn’t pray, didn’t really acknowledge God and that’s why I fell away. What about you?

Anyways I hope you know that God loves you no matter what, I can’t stress that enough. But also that whatever sin you commit, it’s nothing. If you asked for forgiveness and repented then you know that God instantly forgave you. No sin is great enough to trump what Jesus Christ did on the cross for us, remember that alright? Not even your sin! So know that you are forgiven if you seek it and that after you’ve done that it’s in the past and God has forgotten it. He doesn’t hold our past against us like people do.

So to your question of how to personally meet God? Well it basically starts with a relationship. Have some faith, have some trust. You know talk to God like you’re talking to friend. Ask Him, “God if you’re out there then give me some sign…” Ask God to open up your heart, Ask Him to communicate with you some way, and then keep watch to what God does in your life. HAVE FAITH THOUGH! And the more specific the prayer, the more specific the answers will be! But pray according to his will. Don’t ask to be a millionaire or some illogical dumb thingy alright? I tried it doesn’t work LOL!

I remember being in your position I asked God, “If you’re real, then show me. I want more of you God, but I’m confused. I know there’s more to you then just what I’ve been doing.” And he answered my prayer by sending my friend asking me to come to her church. I don’t know what He’ll do in your life, but you just have to remember to have faith. Have some trust! The relationship is key though, he’s your father! your best friend! your lover! if you just let him in and allow him to be those things though. Forget what the world has to say and believe in God."

This is a good reminder to all of us to not get lukewarm in our desire to grow. yupyup :D

Kathleen Michelle Reichenberger

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